Vefgreiðslur og Appgreiðslur

Contact information

For more information or any assistance during the implementation, please contact [email protected]

API Reference

Stage environment URL:

API Documentation:

Getting started

Disclaimer: This guide serves as a brief explainer of the steps involved in implementing Blikk Embedded Payments and it is a work-in-progress.

To get started, make sure you have an API Key issued by Blikk dev team as all requests need to be authenticated by that API key. If you need an API key, please contact Blikk using the contact information stated above.

<aside> ‼️ Our stage environment uses the banks’ sandbox environments so no requests made on our stage environment result in any transfer of real money in your real bank accounts.


<aside> 🔑 When going through Rafræn Skilríki authentication, select Auðkennisapp and use kennitala


Users in blikk

Onboarding via Embedded Payments or Ecom Payments is no longer supported. Creating a new payment for non-onboarded user will result in an error. The user will be sent an SMS to the phone number in the payment, where they will be encouraged to get the blikk app and onboard themselves.

Simulating payment outcomes

When working on integrating blikk ecom payments into your app on the stage environment, a payment can be created with the debtorPhoneNumber value +3540000000

Simulate payment results

Use specific values for amount field to simulate payment with different unsuccessful statuses.